Are you a fan of Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice”? If so, take a peek behind-the-scenes and find out some things you won’t hear about…unless you have talked with George Ross, as NSN’s Don Roberts did.
Facts about “The Apprentice” and “The Boardroom”
- Off-Limits – No one but cast, crew, and the apprentice candidates themselves have ever been allowed in “The Boardroom” set of “The Apprentice”. George made special arrangements with the show’s Director to be able to get Don and Candace access to the set. The crew began filming the next Boardroom sequence moments after Don and Candace got on one of the now famous elevators. We’re happy to report that neither one of us got fired.
- Cameras, cameras everywhere, but none to be seen – There are sixteen cameras continuously running while a Boardroom sequence is being shot. Many cameras are positioned behind what appear to be large mirrors that surround “The Boardroom”.
Don Roberts & George Ross in The Boardroom of The Apprentice in Trump Tower - Marathon Boardroom Sessions – Although a typical Boardroom session lasts just a few minutes when aired, shooting “The Boardroom” sequence actually takes about 7-1/2 hours. That’s not a typo. Among other things, on the “editing room floor” are expletive-laced interactions and heated exchanges that make the ones that have actually aired seem tame by comparison.
- “You’re Fired!” – Don asked George why a Project Manager has not fired a team member who was either not performing, being disruptive, or was found lying. Was it against the rules? Could only Donald fire someone? George indicated that a Project Manager can indeed fire a team member…it’s just that no Project Manager has taken the bold step to do so. Note to Apprentice Project Managers, Don’s take is that if you take the decisive step, you’ll simultaneously rid the cancer from your team…and look like the real leader Donald is seeking. After all, if you can’t control your small apprentice team, how will you ever control one of Donald’s companies?
- The Power Chair – Donald’s red chair sits on a raised platform that’s about 4-inches high. At 6’3″, Donald doesn’t need to look bigger than his two executives…or the apprentice candidates. But, the raised red chair communicates additional power to all around…including the viewing audience.
- The Door – The door that Donald uses to enter “The Boardroom” is actually from a narrow room that houses multiple cameras hidden by mirrors. It just looks like a hallway from the camera angle used.
- True Colors – Trump executives witness the “true colors” of those fired…by what they say on the taxi ride home…and how they perform when they’re brought back to assist the final two apprentice candidates. Do they whine & complain…or do they depart with their head held high? Is everyone else wrong? Are they backstabbers? Did they come back and drag their feet or purposely not be that helpful? It stands to reason that they could possibly secure a job in the Trump Organization one day if, after already having been hand-selected from hundreds of thousands of candidates, they had been viewed as a “team player”, the “come-back kid”, or the key-contributor to the winning apprentice…but, may have just not been the best at selling lemonade or artwork (two apprentice projects).