Robert Kiyosaki…and NSN

NSN co-founder Don Roberts caught up with Robert Kiyosaki in Scottsdale today. Robert is a business and real estate mogul who’s probably best known for authoring the groundbreaking book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”.

Robert also sits at the helm of the Rich Dad empire…who’s mission is teaching financial intelligence to the people of the world.

One of the things Robert teaches is that people can become wealthy by buying income-producing assets, such as commercial properties and residential properties.

Robert practices what he preaches. He and his wife Kim are shrewd investors who, through their real estate investment arm, buy large multifamily complexes and golf courses…often at a fraction of the BPO…and using other people’s money, talents, and time in the process. Robert and Kim are “buy & hold” cash-flow investors.

NSN, the market, and taxes

I got Robert up-to-speed on NSN’s progress…and the transactions we’re currently working on. And, it felt a bit like the student returning to the master (since I’ve been taking advice from Robert for years).

Regarding the market, Robert knows there is currently a lot of opportunity in the real estate market…especially in the arena of distressed properties.

And, on taxes, Robert seems particularly concerned over how the federal government is pushing to raise income taxes. He mentioned that it may actually make sense to relocate to states that do not have a personal income tax.

A Nod to Robert

Robert wasn’t aware of this, but I informed him that my journey in real estate investing began years ago with reading “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”.

“After reading this purple and black New York Times Best Seller, the “genie was out of the bottle. It helped me identify what I had been looking for, and I ran with it.” ~ Don Roberts

I told Robert that “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” represented a critical turning point in my career. And, I credit it and him for getting me on the path to where I am today. My heartfelt thanks Robert.

Rich Dad Poor Dad has likely launched many a career change. And, I recommend it to you if you’ve not read it yet.

Find out more about Robert and  Rich Dad.

Don Roberts